Rules and Regulations
Students are required to be dropped off and picked up at the designated areas communicated by the Al-Ansaar Islamic Foundation.
Students are not permitted to leave until a parent, guardian, or designated pick-up person arrives at the door for pick up.
Students must be picked up on time. Failure to continuously delay student pick up may lead to administrative action. Transportation will be the responsibility of parents.
Students are not allowed to use the following on school premises unless required only for school work: any electronic devices, matches, lighters, aerosol sprays, toys, etc. Use of cell phones during class hours is strictly prohibited.
Students are encouraged to wear traditional Islamic clothing. This includes the abaya for girls and the jubbah or shalwar qamis for boys.
Misbehavior (disrespect and/or abusive language) by the student directed to any member of the staff or other students will not be tolerated. Political talk, racism, and bullying will also not be tolerated.
We will resort to the following methods of discipline when required in no specific order:
• Verbal warning to the student • Secondary verbal warning to the student with a reminder of the consequences of repeated misbehavior • In-class suspension (time-out) and/or lines • Call to parent(s) • Student conference with administration and faculty • Student conference with parent(s), administration and faculty • Out-of-class suspension • Expulsion
Students are required to respect themselves, respect others, and respect their environment. Students must leave their learning area clean just as they found it clean.
Class timings may change throughout the year; parents/students will be notified in advance of any changes.
It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that their children are aware of any necessary health precautions, such as allergies, and that instructors are immediately informed of any symptoms of sickness. We seek protection from Allah تعالى from all harm.
The fees for Sunday Islamic Studies are $220 biannually or $40 monthly. If you choose the biannual subscription, your card will be charged once every 6 months on the same day. If you choose the monthly subscription, your card will be charged on the same day of each month.
If you decide to cancel your subscription, you will be required to speak to the program admin. If the option to pay monthly is selected, you will be required to pay for a minimum of 6 months.
Student withdrawals must be communicated directly to administration, and must provide a 10-day notice before the scheduled payment to avoid fees for the upcoming month.
I affirm that I understand that indoor and outdoor activities offered by Al-Ansaar Islamic Foundation, (collectively referred to as "the Organizations") at their respective locations or any other location may expose my child(ren) listed in this registration form and any other children under the age of 5 that accompany me to this event to some risks, and I assume any such risk or injury that may arise therefrom. I accept full responsibility for all medical expenses for any injuries that might occur to my child by reason of his/her participation.
I hereby release the Organizations, their Board members, administrators, directors, officers, teachers, employees, agents, assigns, and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, complaints, suits, or other forms of liability that any of them may sustain (a) arising out of my child’s failure to comply with local, state, and federal laws and the Organizations' policies, procedures, and Rules of Conduct; (b) arising out of any damage or injury caused by or to my child during any of these activities or while traveling by foot to and from the designated playgrounds and facilities; or (c) arising out of a parent/guardian/or other designated driver’s operation of a motor vehicle or school bus in relation to this activity. I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless the released parties from the released claims, including any and all related costs, attorney fees, liabilities, settlements, and/or judgments.
During the Organizations' seasonal youth programs and activities, children are occasionally photographed to share their progress and activities with their parents and occasionally posted on social media. Please read the media consent below and choose one of the options that follow.
I hereby grant the Organizations, and their agents the absolute right and permission to use photographic portraits, pictures, digital images, or videotapes of My Child, or in which My Child may be included in whole or part, or reproductions thereof in color or otherwise for any lawful purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to use in any publication or on the Organizations' social media/websites, without payment or any other consideration. I hereby waive any right that I may have to inspect and/or approve the finished product or the copy that may be used in connection therewith, wherein My Child’s likeness appears, or the use to which it may be applied. I hereby release, discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Organizations and their agents from all claims, demands, and causes of action that I or My Child have or may have by reason of this authorization or use of My Child’s photographic portraits, pictures, digital images, or videotapes, including any liability by virtue of any blurring, distortion, alteration, optical illusion, or use in composite form, whether intentional or otherwise, that may occur or be produced in the taking of said images or videotapes, or in processing tending towards the completion of the finished product, including publication on the internet, in brochures, or any other advertisements or promotional materials. If you would like to opt-out of your child being in any of the photos, please send us an email at
[email protected].