21st Century Muslims
In this day and age when fitna is at its height, a question arises; How can people protect themselves from fitnah with regards to their religious commitment when every aspect of the world becomes fitna for the believers?
To answer this very question we have curated this event that will go over modern day fitnas, fiqh regarding secular holidays, importance of Propeht Isa (A.S) and Maryam (A.S), and hadith on taking advantage of 5 things before 5.
Event Speakers

Shaykh Numan Goraya
Founder of Al-Ansaar Islamic Foundation

Shaykh Jahangir Bashir Awan
Teacher at Al-Ansaar Islamic Foundation

Shaykh Umar Kholwadia
Teacher at Al-Ansaar Islamic Foundation

Shaykh AbdulRahman Khattab
Imam at CICSW
Event TOpics
Isa Ibn Maryam and Islam
Navigating Islam in Times of Fitna
Prophet Muhammad's Hadith on 5 before 5
Fiqh of Holidays
- Free Registrations (Donations Welcome)
- Open to Males & Females
- Refreshments will be Provided
Location & Schedule
- Calgary Islamic Centre SW
- 5615 14 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T3H 2E8
- December 24, 2023
- 4:30PM to 8:00PM (Right After Maghrib)
Event Partners