The Final Hour - Shaykh Abdur Rahman Mangera

In a world filled with distractions, it’s easy to forget the ultimate purpose of our existence. The Final Hour is a two-day program designed to help us reconnect with the reality of the Hereafter, reflecting on the signs of the Day of Judgment and the steps we must take to prepare for it.


On Day 1, we will delve into the Signs of Judgment Day, exploring both the minor and major signs that have been foretold in the Qur’an and Hadith. Through this, we will gain a deeper understanding of how these signs are unfolding in our time, and what they mean for us as Muslims in our journey towards the Hereafter.


On Day 2, the focus will shift to Preparing for the Hereafter. We will discuss practical steps for living a life of righteousness and spirituality, ensuring that our actions align with the teachings of Islam. This session will offer valuable insights on how to strengthen our relationship with Allah, increase our good deeds, and prepare our hearts and minds for the life to come.


The Final Hour is an invitation to reflect deeply on our purpose in this world and to take meaningful steps toward securing a successful life in the Hereafter. Join us for this enriching and thought-provoking program, and walk away with renewed faith, clarity, and a solid plan for the journey ahead.




Jan 2, 7:15PM - 9PM
Jan 3, 7:15PM - 9:00PM

Genesis Centre

7555 Falconridge Blvd NE #10, Calgary, AB T3J 0C9


Free registration with the option to donate voluntarily


[email protected]

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