Idraak Monthly News & Review

Idraak Issue #8
As we come to an end of the sacred month of Rajab, we ought to reflect upon the miraculous beauty of Isra’ wal Miraj. The Night Journey is a building block in the foundations of our spiritual beliefs and practices. Join us in this month's issue of Idraak as we discuss The Night Journey, the significance of Rajab and how we can understand, appreciate and increase our rizq.

Idraak Issue #7
As we come to the end of another year on the Gregorian calendar we ought to reflect upon the pagan practices and customs celebrated by the disbelievers. Join us in this month’s issue of Idraak, as we explore the history and dangers of pagan holidays, the ongoing efforts of our brothers and sisters in Syria following the fall of the Assad regime and the importance of having unity in the ummah.

Idraak Issue #6
The recent election of Donald Trump has brought to light some important issues within our Muslim Ummah around creed and politics. In this month's issue of Idraak, we break down these important issues as well as examine the importance of placing one’s faith in Allah above all things in this world.

Idraak Issue #5
In light of the calamities the Ummah faces now, the genocide in Palestine being at the forefront, we remind ourselves of the past victories Allah has granted in the face of overwhelming odds. In this issue, we reflect on the achievements of the great Muslim generals and commanders of the past, who led the armies of Islam to victory by the will of Allah.

Idraak Issue #4
In this issue, we reignite our love for the Messenger of Allah PBUH by reminding ourselves of how we can increase our love for him, and express that love in a way that will bring to us the pleasure of Allah SWT and benefit us in this life and the hereafter.

Idraak Issue #3
In this issue, we give a brief overview of the virtues of the Holy Al-Aqsa Mosque in Palestine to remind ourselves of its important place in Islam and encourage us to act to save it and our brothers and sisters in Palestine. We also reflect upon the importance of avoiding superstition and understanding how to separate baseless beliefs from that which is found within the Quran and Sunnah.

Idraak issue #2
In this second issue of Idraak, we reflect upon the holy month of Muharram, some of the key verses related to it, and major events surrounded the month. Click to read more.

Idraak issue #1
In this first issue of Idraak, we focus on Hajj, its significance, the story of Ibrahim A.S. and his family, and what Al-Ansaar has been doing during this holy month of the year. Click to read more.
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