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A little something for everyone

Join us for our Summer Islamic School for Youth wherein we work our way through various aspects of Islam and topics relative to the age of the student!

Students will also enjoy physical activities everyday as well as field trips and other fun events that we have planned throughout our time together In’shaa’Allah! 



What We Teach

Block 1 (Ages 6-7)

Learn About:

• Fiqh of Salah, Zakat, Sawm & Hajj
• Akhlaq (Mannerisms) - Respect, Speech, Smiling, Beginning with the right
• Explore stories of multiple prophets
• Etiquettes associated with using the bathroom, eating, drinking, sleeping and waking up
• Learn the Seerah (Life of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w)
• Daily Memorization of Hadith & Duaas

Block 1 (Ages 8-9)

Learn About:

• Fiqh of Cleanliness, Wudhu, Ghusl & Salah in full detail
• Akhlaq (Mannerisms) - Keeping Promises, Being Thankful, Spreading Salam, & Kindness to Animals
• Episodes from the Prophetic sirah
• Explore stories of multiple prophets
• Etiquettes associated with Entering a House, Speaking, Sneezing, Yawning, & Greeting
• Learn about the 99 names of Allah
• Daily Memorization of Hadith & Duaas

Block 3 (Ages 10-12)

Learn About:

• Fiqh on types of Najasah, Rak'at of Salah, & Conditions of Salah
• Akhlaq (Mannerisms) - Parents, thinking good of others, sharing & speaking truth
• Episodes from the Prophetic sirah
• Explore stories of multiple prophets
• Etiquettes associated with travelling, studying, walking, Qur'an & Masjid
• Learn about the signs of Qiyaamah
• Daily Memorization of Hadith & Duaas

Schedule & Fees
